
During the last two decades, our team has developed hundreds of courses, toolkits, and products for a variety of sectors including, education, business, nonprofit management, energy, innovation, migration, strategy, and sustainable development. Several of these products are also featured in the "Courses" section of this portal. Below we list selected examples of our work with summary information. To learn more about any of the showcased items below, drop us an email.


The EntrInnO game is an online game which aims to provide engaging, relevant, and personalized learning on the topic of entrepreneurship.  ...

Advocacy Elab

Advocacy eLab equips communities, practitioners and youth to take action for social justice  ...

Thalassaemia Course for Patients

This course offers an opportunity to patients to learn more about their condition and make meaningful decisions about their health.  ...

TrainVol: Youth Volunteering Capacity Building

This course aims in training youth in participating in volunteer work, develop relevant skills and build volunteering capacity  ...

iDecide Toolkit

This course focuses on how to use the iDecide project’s toolkit and targets school leaders and school staff  ...

DIMA: A Toolkit for Developing Implementing and Monitoring Adult Education Strategies

The online course focuses primarily on the DIMA Toolkit and aims at training professionals from the adult education sector  ...